Saturday, September 4, 2010

Subjective and Objective claims

Subjective and objective claims are very different from each other. A subjective claim is ones opinion about something. Its how you feel not really what you know is true or a fact. An objective claim is a factual claim. It's a claim that has an answer. We as people use subjective and objective claims all the time. I used a subjective claim the other day when talking to my roommate. We were talking about basketball teams. My roommate is from San Francisco and she likes the warriors. I am from Los Angeles and prefer the Lakers. "So I was like the warriors suck". That right there was a subjective claim because I was just giving my opinion about the warriors. An objective claim would have been "when was the last time the warriors won a championship" because you can get a factual answer for that question.  That is the difference between subjective and objective claims.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Turtle! Subjective and objective claim are usually different but there are occasions in which they can be the same. For example I could say that McDonalds is better than Burger King. That is my opinion. But if the world took a poll and more people chose McDonalds that could make it a fact.
