Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something I found Interesting

I found chapter 4 of the small group text to be interesting and helpful. Chapter 4 talks about communicating in organizations. I talks about the need for effective communication. I found that kind of interesting and to be true. We as a people need to learn how to communicate effectively in an organization. We need to know how to communicate because organizations are everywhere. There are many different organizations you could be apart of in this world. In the small communication book they state that organizational communication is a process that involves the exchange of messages between organizational members or among members of different organizations. Throughout the chapter I found it useful that they talked about organizational culture, organizational systems, and organizational relationships. It also talks about how when you learn about organizational communication you will improve your chances of success. I think the whole chapter 4 was useful because it was something that everyone needs to know. Everyone at one point in their lives will be in some type of organization. So it would be very helpful if they knew some ways to communicate will in that organization.

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