Saturday, November 6, 2010

Something I found Interesting and Useful

Something I found interesting in chapter 10 was Appeal to pity. Appeal to pity is when the someone or an advertisement makes you feel bad about something. They do this so that you would by their product or donate something. Appeal to pity can sometimes be implausible. I find this interesting because I see commercials and advertisements all the time that appeal to pity. They make you feel all sad for someone or a group of people. For examples the commercials late at night about the starving children in other countries. They make you feel bad so that you will go and send money to this organization that says they will send the money to the children. Most of the time those are just scams to just get your money. The reason they work is because they are making you pity the so called starving children you see on television. I find this useful because now since I read this chapter I know what they are trying to do.

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