Friday, November 12, 2010


There are all kinds of reasoning. There is reasoning by analogy , sign reasoning, casual reasoning, reasoning by criteria, reasoning by example, inductive and deductive reasoning. I am going to give an example of each type of reasoning.
1. Reasoning by analogy: Jamie likes to read. Bill also likes to read. Therefore everyone likes to read.

2. Sign Reasoning: Its raining outside. It must also be cold outside. If you tried to flip this and say Its could outside. So it must be raining. That would be a weak argument because it can be cold outside without it raining.

3. Casual Reasoning: If you smoke cigarettes. You can possibly get lung cancer.

4. Reasoning by Criteria: Amy loves reading books. For her birthday you should get her books.

5. Reasoning by Example: James does really well on all of his test because he has good study habits. If you want to do good on test you should have the same study habits as James.

6. Inductive Reasoning: Chris eats an apple everyday. Chris will eat an apple today.

7. Deductive Reasoning: When you first get a job you are on probation for 90 days. Drew is on probation. Drew just got a job.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog on reasoning by analogy. I like how you organized your examples; I think it makes it a lot clearer and easy to read. I like how you provided a brief summary on how there are different types of reasoning, listed the different types of reasoning and then provides an example for each of the reasoning. I enjoyed reading your example, it was well written! I especially like your example of sign reasoning. I like how you provided an example and then explained that it would not be correct if the statement was read backwards. Overall, I think you did a great job on summarizing how to reason by analogy.
