Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Favorite and least favorite thing

My favorite thing about this class was that it was online. I loved the fact that I did not have to get up and go to the class and sit and listen to a lecture twice a week. This was my first online class that I have ever taken. I thought I wasn't going to like it at first but I actually did. I also liked that I was able to do my work when I wanted to. I didn't have to do it at a specific time like I would have it we had to go to the class. I also liked that the test were online and we didn't have to come to a class and take them, so that meant that we could use our books.
What I didn't like about the class was having to do the last group project in person at the end. It was so hard for everybody to be available at the same time. The first two I really didn't mind because we didn't have to meet in person and we could communicate online or whatever way we chose. At first I also didn't like that we had to make a blog and post on it every week because it was very easy to forget about. I didn't like how our post had to be 150 words because sometimes the topics were kind of short so it was hard to write about that much. I did not like how we had to wait 12 hours apart to do each post. We should have been able to do them whenever we wanted. Because if you forgot about them all week and remember on friday night or saturday you were screwed because of the 12 hours. 
Suggestion: No more time limit on the post. Other than that great class

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